Player Development holds TEAM USA Forum

December 17, 2014 08:48 AM

The second Player Development TEAM USA Forum took place Dec. 15, updating parents, coaches and leaders of top developmental programs around the country on what progress has been made with this new initiative from USTA Player Development and what is to come in 2015.

USTA Player Development General Manager Patrick McEnroe addressed his stepping down and reiterated to those in attendance that Player Development will be continuing its current direction. The TEAM USA initiative is a large part of where Player Development is going in the future. During the forum, attendees were given the opportunity to ask McEnroe, Director of Coaching Jose Higueras and other Player Development staff questions regarding TEAM USA and Player Development as a whole.

TEAM USA is all about creating a structure of inclusiveness, in which personal coaches, USTA sections and USTA Player Development work together to create the next wave of world-class American players. The goals of TEAM USA include:

  • More primary coach inclusiveness
  • More training opportunities for our country’s top prospects
  • Working more closely with our country’s top developmental programs (in addition to USTA Player Development's Certified Regional Training Centers)


If you have any questions regarding TEAM USA, please contact us at



